Here is one from that site.

I really like Darth Vader, and I especially like how she was able to put the Galactic Empire logo in the center. I added detail to my Darth Vader and threw in a storm trooper.
Here is mine. It's hanging up so I couldn't get a good flat picture, but you get the idea.

I wanted to do a Rebel Alliance snowflake as well, so i designed my own from scratch.

You can see, Yoda, The Rebel Alliance symbol, the Millenium Falcon, and an x-wing fighter. Awesome!
My friend challenged me to make one more that would be so unique that no one would ever duplicate it. He even gave me the subject matter.

Yes, Jar Jar Binks. Why would anyone spend the energy to make a Jar Jar snowflake? Well, in my case, it was a dare. I'm sure no one else will ever bother, so this will remain a one of a kind forever. I'm going to make some more with the kids today. If we come up with any good ones, I'll post 'em for all to see.
Can you put directions on how to make those, they are AWSOME!!
Can you leave directions on how to make them? They are AWSOME!!
These are awesome! I want to make a star wars snowflakes for my bulletin board for december for my job. Is there anyway you can share the pattern?
Nice job on the Jar Jar snowflake. I spent hours making a Jar Jar Binks wood burning for my brother years ago and gave it to him for Christmas. When he unwrapped it he said, "Wow the art is great but I hate Jar Jar." So it sat in his house for years, until this summer when he mentioned that he was having a garage sale and Jar Jar would be in the "free" pile. I protested, thinking I could find a home for the masterpiece. He delivered Jar Jar back to me, with one condition. "If this ever ends up at my house again, I am going to put it in a paper bag with dog shit, light it on fire and leave it on your front porch." So I went online, hoping to find a fan club for Jar Jar, and just ship it to one of the members. That's when I discovered that nobody likes Jar Jar! In fact, most people go out of their way to tell others how much they hate him! I had no idea that he was the most hated character of all time. Anyway, this year I made my brother a collection of snowflakes from Star Wars. Now it's 12 days 'til Christmas, and I received an email from dear brother with no subject or content, just a picture of a fist punching Jar Jar in the face. So now I figure he
deserves to have a Jar Jar snowflake under the tree along with all the others. If you have a template, I could sure use it. I think I know what I am going to find on my doorstep the day after Christmas.
P.S. Jar Jar Binks wood burning for sale: free
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